
Mostrando postagens de fevereiro, 2020

#BetweenSouls MYG #5

#5 Min Yoongi - The way I love you. It's 02:46 am of March 1st of 2020, and I can't stop thinking of you. I don't know what is going on my head... I'm just here, laying down on my bed, remembering every little moment and situation you made my heart trembling.  There's many moments and many situations, and maybe I would need a whole night to tell all of them. And maybe more. But the fact is that is 02:50 am of a sunday, and I just can't take your eyes of my mind...  The way they shine, the way they smile, the way they transport me through different horizons, the way they look so compassionate and emphatic in front of hard situations. Your eyes are, literally, windows to the infinite.  And I love them. So much. So much, that I can't forget them... Or the way they make me feel... Everything about you makes me feel... atypical. Just like a rare masterpiece, that has just been found, after a long time disappeared. It's a very strong spell, ...

#BetweenSouls MYG #4

#4 Min Yoongi -  Cornered by Longing  My heart has been tight, aching, anxious for some time. It is as if a part of me, a precious and necessary part is being ripped from my chest, leaving behind, only the certainty of pain... It is scary to feel this and not be able to explain, or worse, understand. It's like the world is crashing down on me and I don't know what to do to prevent it, or why it is happening. So confused and frightening... I thought it was madness, a delusion of want and excessive affection, but no. I really feel like there's something wrong, but I don't know what it is or who it is with. Moments like these, inevitably make me think of you. I wonder if you are well, if you are eating properly, if you are hydrating properly, if you are warm and safe, if your heart is calm or if for whatever reason, you are as restless and distressed as I am. And not being able to get an objective and direct answer about that, it only makes my heart squeeze even ...


(...) "And I tried, I swear.... I tried live in a world without you, but was impossible, painfully impossible. Cause since your voice reached me, since that extraordinary moment of magical connection, when I saw my life, my heart, my soul connected with yours, all the colours, sounds, textures seems so wrong without you... You changed my world... Changed everything I used to think about, feel, imagine. You turned my world upside down, and I liked the sensation of freedom you brought to me... I... I started to love myself more, when I learnt to love you. And I learnt so much about me, when I saw myself through your eyes, your heart... And may sound crazy, but I never loved anyone the way I love you. And this love is the purest thing I ever had inside of me. And I'm proud of share this with you... Because, since before the beginning, was you... Was always you. And will always be." 20/02/2020, 02:22hs 


"Ele era amor... Amor em cada linha, estrofe, curva ou declive; era amor na forma de olhar, no enunciar das palavras, o jeito que sorria e também como chorava. Ele era amor... Amor em tons variados, do ciano ao carmesim, do violácea ao turquesa e desse, ao dourado; amor nos mais variados aromas, da lima ao cravo, do marsala ao jasmim... Ele era amor... Amor nas mais diversas notas, melodias, dissonâncias e ritmos; era composto, singular, pretérito e futuro, tudo num só. Ele era amor... Amor em cada gesto, em cada ato, em cada silêncio, sinfonia, sussurro ou suspiro. Ele era amor... Do começo ao fim, e depois também. Ele era amor... O meu amor. Meu, e de ninguém mais." By: Y. de Carvalho, 03/02/2020, 23:57hs.