
Mostrando postagens de março, 2020

#BetweenSouls  MYG  #SpecialSUGAday |7|

#BetweenSouls  MYG  #SpecialSUGAday |7| March 1th of 2020, 03:09hs. “The way I love You... It's 02:46 am of March 1st of 2020, and I can't stop thinking of you. I don't know what is going on my head... I'm just here, laying down on my bed,  remembering every little moment and situation you made my heart trembling.  There's many moments and many situations, and maybe  I would need a whole night to tell all of them. And maybe more. But the fact is that is 02:50 am of a sunday, and I just can't take your eyes of my mind...  The way they shine, the way they smile, the way they transport me through different horizons, the way they look so compassionate and emphatic in front of hard situations.  Your eyes are, literally, windows to the infinite.  And I love them. So much. So much, that I can't forget them... Or the way they make me feel... Everything about you makes me feel... atypical.  Just like a rare masterpiece...

#BetweenSouls MYG #SpecialSUGAday |6|

#BetweenSouls  MYG  #SpecialSUGAday |6| March 9th of 2020, 04:09hs. “I don't know much about life,  but I know love...  And the love have your eyes.  Love also have your voice, and the texture of your feelings. Love is kind, just like you, but also stronger, the same way. Love is pure, deep and intense... Intense like the Universe! You're like the Universe, magical, mystical, ethereal and perfect. You're the light of my Universe, guiding my steps to the right places.. From all the lights in the sky, you're the brightest one. From all the singularities of the universe, you were the one who gave me back the will to live, a purpose to keep breathing, a chance to love again...”  § From:  yasmin  To: yoongi  YDC ; 09/03/2020 ; 04:13hs. 

#BetweenSouls  MYG  #SpecialSUGAday |5|

#BetweenSouls  MYG  #SpecialSUGAday |5| March 9th of 2020, 03:33hs. “I love you... This is the biggest poetry of the entire world.”  § From:  yasmin  To: yoongi  YDC ; 09/03/2020 ; 03:43hs. 

#BetweenSouls  MYG  #SpecialSUGAday |4|

#BetweenSouls  MYG  #SpecialSUGAday |4| March 9th of 2020, 03:26hs. “Kissed by the Sun, Lover of the Moon... A mortal with aura of Dream... Lost in the stars, searching his way,  waiting the chance of run away... He was a miracle, locked in a thin human skin... Warm as sunlight, mysterious as moon's shadow... No one could see, no one could hear, no one could touch, no one could feel. He was just a boy, falling from the Stars searching for his destiny. And at a autumn evening, I watched the fall of a commet... An angel fell from the sky, while I fell in love...”  § From:  yasmin  To: yoongi  YDC ; 09/03/2020 ; 03:37hs.

#BetweenSouls  MYG  #SpecialSUGAday |3|

#BetweenSouls  MYG  #SpecialSUGAday |3| March 9th of 2020, 02:43hs. “I was a broken soul until I find him... Lost in deep than the eyes can find, diving slowly in an abyss of pain and loneliness until... Until he finds me. He saved me!  Your hands, warm and gentle, held mine in  a promise of eternal respect and protection; his eyes looked at me, seeing me, for the first in so long, watching myself through the bad memories; his voice embraced me, as an unbreakable vow of love, understanding and acceptance... He saved me...  From the world, from the darkness, from the pain, from the loneliness, from the cruelty, from the shame... He saved me from myself. He saw on me, something I didn't saw for a long time... He believed on me, on my capacity, on my dedication. His voice talked deeply with my soul, listening comprehending... He invited me to open my heart, free my soul... And then I realized... I realized that I was str...

#BetweenSouls MYG #SpecialSUGAday |2|

#BetweenSouls  MYG  #SpecialSUGAday |2| March 9th of 2020, 02:27hs. “At the first time I saw his face, I had to breath twice; my mind got  confused by the power of his atmosphere... And at the first time I listened his voice, I just hold my breath, because I heard the sound of the Destiny, telling me that he was the love I had waited for. I doubted for a long time... But it passed. Because, at the first time I readed his heart, I knew that my destiny was make of the symphony of his thoughts, the soundtrack of my soul.”  § From:  yasmin  To: yoongi  YDC ; 09/03/2020 ; 02:31hs. 

#BetweenSouls MYG #SpecialSUGAday |1|

#BetweenSouls  MYG  #SpecialSUGAday |1| March 9th of 2020, 01:59hs. “He had smell of sunset, and eyes of north breeze...  Carrying the Gods fury between his small rosy lips. He was the Chaos, a pure constant of heat & destruction, but he was also the Calm, soft & fresh. The perfect mix of Day and Night, Sun and Rain, Sound and Silence, Dark and Light. He was Love... From the beginning till the end. And beyond.”  § From:  yasmin  To: yoongi  YDC ; 09/03/2020 ; 02:22hs. 

#BetweenSouls MYG #8

#8   Min Yoongi - The Love that inhabit in Me , exist for the Soul that inhabit in You . Dear Yoongi, How start a love letter, when you already said everything you feel, but still feeling that isn't enough? I don't know, but here I'm, writing for you. Talk about you is always so pleasing and calming for me... Like enter in a parallel universe, where I can be fully myself, where my words are listened and my feelings, respected. Is like heaven. I feel so free, protected, unique. I almost feel special, just by feel it. Talk about you always makes me feel like flying so high, that I can touch the stars, while my trembling heart beats fast and vigorous, deeply immersed in the magical sensation of appreciate you. Is kinda... Indescribable. Overflow over everywhere, up of everyone and over everything. It's like watch an entire life, divided in two, two hearts, two souls, two minds, but both united in a same desire, in a synchronized passion. But, at same time,...

#BetweenSouls MYG #7

#7  Min Yoongi - It's late, it's cold outside, I'm lost and I miss you...  It's funny how little things, simple joys, tiny achievements are capable of transforming an entire day, a week, a year, an entire mood. Today, I had a beautiful day, full of good surprises and positive omens... Things are going well, very well, but they would be better if I could share with you the joy of these achievements. But of course, I understand. His life is hectic, confused, almost chaotic; we are from different countries, we speak different languages ​​and we live in different worlds... But that did not stop me from falling in love with you or loving you endlessly. I think our differences, in fact, make us so cosmically connected. I'm happy, and I wish I could tell you that, not only in these written letters, but in speech, loud and clear, but I understand that I can't, and I accept my reality. Maybe... I don't know. I... I hope, that one day we will meet. Ah...

#BetweenSouls MYG #6

#6 Min Yoongi - I miss you in every Second of the Day  I honestly... Don't remember when was the last time I don't missed you. Since the first time I saw you, that I really saw through all the spotlight of the fame and glamour, I felt a deep emotional connection with you. Whether in analytical perspectives, in dialogues or in simple emotional contexts, I felt largely connected to you, in a pure and sublime way. I can't explain it, and I don't even want to. Too much rationality destroys the magic of a pure feeling... And that is not my intention. What I really mean is that, since I started to understand you, I started to feed on the analyzes and emotional shares that you share with the world. Your way of feeling, thinking, acting before society became a mirror for me... And when you were away, I just felt incomplete, empty... You have become a fundamental part of me, and when you are not, it is as if the world has lost its color, its meaning. Is weird... But I ...

#BetweenSouls MYG #5

#5 Min Yoongi - The way I love you. It's 02:46 am of March 1st of 2020, and I can't stop thinking of you. I don't know what is going on my head... I'm just here, laying down on my bed, remembering every little moment and situation you made my heart trembling.  There's many moments and many situations, and maybe I would need a whole night to tell all of them. And maybe more. But the fact is that is 02:50 am of a sunday, and I just can't take your eyes of my mind...  The way they shine, the way they smile, the way they transport me through different horizons, the way they look so compassionate and emphatic in front of hard situations. Your eyes are, literally, windows to the infinite.  And I love them. So much. So much, that I can't forget them... Or the way they make me feel... Everything about you makes me feel... atypical. Just like a rare masterpiece, that has just been found, after a long time disappeared. It's a very strong spell, ...