
Mostrando postagens de setembro, 2019

비뚤어진 선

비뚤어진 선 - Linhas tortas As the chaos, we also were forms of art... Together, we gave sense to nonsense, we made it as insane as deep, just like our passion... We ruined stars and strangers, perfect selfish in our way of love. But suddenly, from spilling promises and caresses over eachother, we gone to dripping dissatisfaction and remoteness around the corners. We were right curves, but we missed the way in straight lines... See? Chaotics till the end... Our end. So, when discussions became our soundtrack and any other sound was silence, was correct supose that our mess doesn't belonged to the two of us no more... We ran reverse paths, trying to re-find ourselves... Until realize that we lost ourselves, in the moment we left each other. Y. 22:26hs. 20/09/2019 .


Тъмно - Está escuro Pains and loves, in high relief, drawing the blank page of my skin.. Stories never told, secrets never spoken, hidden in a drawer, a distant memory.. Expectancy broken, hopes despised, there's no more words to complain.. No more words... While I keep dancing alone, in the dark, slowly forgetting who I used to be.. Who you used to love... Can't you see?!... You should be with her, and all her perfect essence, too opposite of me. So, give me a reason to keep... Cause I don't wanna it anymore... Cause you won't stay... And I just wanted you to say... 'Can you be with me this night?' In the dark... But no. You doesn't have any dark more, cause now, she's your spark... Obfuscating me... And I don't want it... I don't wanna be your shadow anymore... Slowly dancing in the dark , till the close... Y. 22:11hs. 29/09/2019.


Piedod - Perdão I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I hurted you. I'm sorry if I became me your reason to cry. I'm sorry if it's because of me, that now, you suffer. I'm sorry. I'm sorry if my mistakes affect you more than I can see. I'm sorry if my choices makes your heart feel pain. I'm sorry if I'm the motif of your tears. I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry. I'm sorry if I can't be perfect. I'm sorry if I can't do the things the way you wanted. I'm sorry if I'm not who you wanted me to be. I'm sorry... I'm really so, so sorry. But I can't... I can't be perfect. I can't be who you want me to be. I can't do always the things you wanted me to do. I can't make myself the way you want. I just can't.... And I'm so, so sorry, for be your biggest repentance... Y. 23:27hs. 28/09/2019.


Bleib - Permaneça My hands, trembling, cold, just waiting for yours, cause I know, you won't leave me... My heart, torn apart, bleeding, just waiting your careful care, cause I know, you won't let me die... My soul, tired, hopeless, just waiting your arms, cause I know, you won't deny me comfort... My life, weakened, forgotten, just waiting you... Because I know, you won't let me. You never leave... Even when I tried, you didn't let go of my hand... You don't cared. The floor was dirty, but you didn't care about it... Your shirt, before white, became red and you didn't care about that... You just stayed... With me. From the beginning, till the end. Y. 21:01hs. 27/09/2019.

Vale, praeteritum

Vale, praeteritum - Adeus, passado I painted my pains with the redness of my tears, my fears with the purple of my bruises, my sadness with the dark of my silence, my longing with the peach of your last kiss, my death with the blue of the last sky that we share together.... Slowly, everything become silent and hapless, lifeless... No more chords, no more poetry, nothing. A blank, empty, broken, dead. Like a single tear, touched by the last promise of love. An endless farewell.... Y. 20:34hs. 27/09/2019.


وداع  - Adeus In one day, our conversations used to run until the dawn,  but then, everything changed. It just become past. There was no farewell, not a single word, nothing. In a moment, we were a bunch of laughs, lavender essence and pillows thrown on the carpet but, in the next second, we become strangers, just a simple footnote at the end of a page. From a warm summer day, to a freezing winter night. From a calm melody, to an annoying noise We passed from a perfect love story to a sad drama that no one really likes. So, now I ask... What happenned? What we became? Where did it gone all that warmth and calm? When our colours became so lifeless? When our conversations became... Nonexistent? Where do we lost ourselves? What we did wrong? Why we became silence, when we always hated that? Just... why ...? Y. 00:36hs. 27/09/2019.


放射する - Irradiar Standing, in front of the gorge, I see... Running through the past, till reach the present, seeing the future fading away... I saw... His eyes... And how beloved one day, we were of each other... I observed, quietly immersed on the salt of my tears, the goodbye I never expected be true... I watched the my blood and my tears become one, while the happiness overflowed of my veins... And all the lines I wrote, were blurred by the salt of my cry, and all the songs I composed, become noise around my interior chaos... And all the love I had, lost the hue, just in front of my eyes; trickled down my trembling fingers... Leaving emptiness behind. Footprints on many memories pages, and kisses, and smiles, and promises, and hugs, and so much caring.. And our votes, and our 'forever', and... Us. Everything stuck in a moment, a moment that no longer belonged to the you and me at this moment but... The pain still ours, or mine, or nothing.... Layi...


Oppgivelse - Abandono Every step away from me, more I can see, more I can feel, it was a mistake for you. Every promise, sigh, whisper, the more I can see, more I cry, because it was just a pastime for you. I gave you all... All my everything, was yours... But you don't needed, don't wanted; you were enough to yourself... I was just hindrance in your way. Good with me, better without me. After all, not all endings need to be happy after all. That's the life... We have this kind of wrong perception of what is love and what this demands of us. Since the beginning, it was made for be easy, just feel, don't try to rationalize or fit in numerical patterns... Since the first breath, it wa easy and pure. But, you know, we have this good habit to destroy everything that is truly plain and perfect. Y. 23:40h. 13/09/2019.

#HappyNamjoonDay Moonchild

Moonchild Moon Child,  Descendant of the Sun, wandering through the heaven, fearless... So much to feel, so much to see, no time or space to dread... Brilliant mind, witty soul, an angel, an fiend... Nothing of that. Just a heart, beating love... Beating with love, beating by love. Notes, chords, rhythm, poetry... All in a beautiful melody. He sings life, he sings love... He lives, so he love. He is love! Through the time and space, stars can be fading,  universes collapsing, people dying... The evil can win some battles, the love can lose some more. My hope can be destroyed, my heart can be broken. I can cry, I can fear... But alone I'll not be. Cause he'll be here... Till the end of me. Y. 23:59. 12/09/2019.


Realidad - Realidade Maybe wasn't to be ours The moon, that sunset in sky... Maybe wasn't to be us, or something like that Who would knew what would of us, without us? Sky is falling, but I'm awake while sun is dying upon the rain... I'll never say goodbye again, if my home can't be you, why I would be me?! Y. 02:23h. 10/09/2019.


Drømme - Sonho "May it be a fantasy , just a sweet utopia, where the two of us could be infinitely happy, and our love would be a possible choice... Maybe it was just a dream, a simple illusion for keep the heart beating , while life still running in her fast mode. Yeah, probably was just a whisper of a distant universe, where anything could happen... But not here, not now. Cause here isn't our safe paradise , we aren't secure here, our hearts aren't in peace... But how can I have peace, if my synonymous of calmness, is you ? My place is where you're." Y. 17:56h. 08/09/2019.


Obietnica - Promessa You came through the gloom, covered by friendly shadows... Your eyes sparkled more then stars in the sky; From your lips overflowed words, sweet and warm, that made my heart burn in the purest form of love... Your words floated until me, filling my soul with the most static contentment Whispering promises of endless care, attention and affection... Through my veins, ardent desire of believe  that could be possible, would be eternal... Falling asleep with soft voice singing a story,  where compassion was the only judge, in the kingdom of love,  where you and I, become infinite in our little safe place. Y. 02:58hs. 08/09/2019.


Dulce - Doce Yesterday, I discovered some really great songs, while I was creating a playlist to a new romance book... One of the songs, even though doesn't have nothing in common with,  made me remember someone I love...  Cause he's sweet like honey but isn't selfish;  he looks great on green and for me,  it's the pretty guy in the world ... It's kinda funny how I see him in everywhere I go,  in every song I listen, in every sky I see.  Sounds like magic, but maybe it's just love.  Y. 02:33h. 07/09/2019.


ærlighet - Honestidade "If someday I tell I don't love you, it's that I love you much more than you could expect... If one day I hesitate, try to escape, afraid, believe when I say, I just need you to stay. If one day my words fail, insufficient, just give me time, to orgabize all the sentences. If our nights become burdens, if they choke you, tell me, and I'll bring you the fresh air  of midnight... If from my lips, no more velvet words come out, hope you feel pleased enough with the silk of my embrace. If someday I get lost, in feelings, in words, in memories, you can just hold me tight, and bring me back to light. If sometimes I sound insecure, just let me know that even when I fail, you'll not abandon me. If someday you stop to see on me, what you loved most, just... Let me know that was real, at least, untill the dream awakening to reality. But if one day, you wake up in our bed, seeing our sweet mess and feel that you no longer belong to i...


Verbunden - Conectado " We were sparks at deep night, whispers through the wind, promise in the silence. In cloudy days, we were silence in torment, sweet kiss on red-hot fire. While the moon's rising, we played truth or dare just to realise that we were each other verity. Locked in shadows, we lost each other, crying, only hoping one day, be close again. And when the sun finally arose in the bluest sky, we found the path till each other's arms... We become full. We become infinite. " Y. 23:17hs. 02/09/2019.


Tempesta - Tempestade "I'm running the sand to reach your extended hand... Every step close, is ten distant equal. I feel my heart beating, I hear my blood flowing But nothing compares to the sound of your voice whispering a promise of eternal devotion. Baby I'm falling, too deep to see the light... Maybe I'm lost, maybe I'm frost, maybe I'm blind... The rain is downing as teardrops on a calm ocean... But the storm belongs inside and the chaos, is part of the masterpiece. " Y. 03:21h. 02/09/2019.