Mon ange blanc

Mon ange Blanc - Meu anjo Branco

Your alb skin, soft as a miracle on Christmas day,
translating my passion through you curves,
blazing my purest love in each small relief,
just as a dream, just as a bless...
Suddenly, your eyes became bigger than universes colliding,
brighter than solar deaths,
hottest than sunny luminosity...
Perfectly, matching points and wins,
with every little scribble, groove, draft of mine,
with every tear, smile or whisper.
We combine together...
As chaos and lull, day and night, hot and cold.
The right junction of what was, is, and can be.
We're reflections of the universes we have inside us...
And we overflowed.. everywhere.. and our essence fragmented,
making of us, universes bigger then we was at the beginning...
And I never saw anything prettier than
the light of your universe...

